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The goal of the seminars was educating students about the people and cultures of the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern region by representatives of those societies. The seminars should increase students’ cultural understanding of the region, promote best practices of coexistence and make away with stereotypes.

Topics of the seminars:

  • Coming from the Mediterranean region/Middle East and living in the Czech Republic – describing advantages and diffi culties of the life here, identifying differences;
  • Role of women in the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern societies – living as a woman in a Muslim society, living as a Muslim woman in the Czech society;
  • Doing business in the Czech Republic – decribing similarities and differences in the business environment;/li>
  • All aspects of life in the Mediterranean/Middle East – describing life in own countries from all angles i.e. personal every-day life, cultural and religious customs, politics in the countries, confl icts in the region etc.


  • Mrs. Hoda Mansour is Egyptian. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Cairo University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science. She is also working as a senior researcher in the Cultural Programme Office of Media International. She received one of her Masters degrees in France and has so far dedicated her life to research in economics and political science particularly focusing on Euro-Mediterranean studies. She speaks Arabic, French and English.
  • Ms. Dorit Margolis is from Israel. She currently resides in Jerusalem, where she works in the field of Chinese Medicine. She spent four years living in Prague. During her stay here, she taught English at a language school and studied Czech.
  • Mr.Yucel Ozturk was born in Eastern Turkey and spent most of his life living in Istanbul. He has been working in management and finance since 1989. His career began in Istanbul. He worked in the Czech Republic between 1996 and 1997; his career later took him to Portugal, Switzerland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan. He has been back in Prague since 2005 working as a Finance Manager. Like most Turks, he enjoys football.
  • <Ms. Zahide Tuğba Şenterzi was born in Central Turkey but spent most of her life thereafter in the Czech Republic, where she attended primary and secondary school and later the Charles University. In 2004 she returned to Ankara, Turkey to pursue further university degrees. She later worked for the government and for various human rights organizations in Turkey and in the Czech Republic. Currently she resides in Ankara working as a Czech-Turkish translator and interpreter and a correspondent of an Ankara University periodical.
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