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Security and Sustainability of the Czech Republic: threats, challenges, dilemmas

Ondřej  Kolínský Ondřej Kolínský / Ed. 20. 3. 2024
Security and Sustainability of the Czech Republic: threats, challenges, dilemmas
Autor: Tomertu, Zdroj: Shutterstock

Security and sustainability have long been studied and operationalized separately and on the basis of different frameworks for thinking about strategic interests or models of cooperation. Although the different concepts still appear in some passages of Czech strategic documents, with the passage of time, convergence and an attempt to grasp these topics holistically is clearly visible.

This study offers a starting point for further linking the two areas based on an analysis of the current state of play and a search of related academic literature in recent years. The starting point is the systemic approach of the Strategic Framework of the Czech Republic 2030. Based on the mapping of threats and related linkages identified by it, other relevant phenomena and newly identified causalities discussed in the literature are added to the analytical framework.

These relationships then give rise to synergies, trade-offs and feedback loops. In addition to linking sustainability and security through specific selected areas, this study also presents the issue of securitisation of the relationships between them and the potential risks it brings.

As a response to the complexity of these relationships and the impossibility of completely preventing individual threats, the concept of resilience is increasingly emerging in academic and political discourse. The study conceptualises it mainly on the basis of the categories of attribute, process and outcome. This approach then helps to differentiate between different types of resilience according to their grasp in existing policy documents and complements them with recommendations from the literature.

The analysis was developed within the project Mechanisms for promoting sustainable development principles in public administration with reg. no. CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/15_019/00014042 co-financed by the EU.


Security and Sustainability of the Czech Republic: threats, challenges, dilemmas
Ondřej Kolínský, Romana J. Březovská, Marek Baroň Download
Czech Republic 617
Czech security policy 74
environment 47
international security 291
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