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Association for International Affairs

Select ongoing project:


Association for International Affairs (AMO), in cooperation with the Prague-based office of the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES), organizes a networking of women about Czech Foreign and European Policies.


The goal of the event is to connect women from public service, politics, diplomacy, international organisations, media, academic and scientific institutions, and nongovernmental sectors, support their participation in decision-making about international affairs, and discuss current European and international topics. Additionally, our Research Fellow Vít Borčany, has written a research paper related to the topic described.

Round-table: What kind of Czech European politics do we want to establish and how to lead a social dialogue about it? (in Czech)

Jean-Claude Juncker will introduce an Annual Report about the state of the Union on September 13, in which he will propose a further course of the EU and he will follow up on the White Paper on the Future of Europe, which was introduced by the Commission in spring. Features of the future Czech European politics will be formulated by the government, which emerges from the elections in autumn. The times of reflection about a further deepening of the Eurozone lead Czechia again to a hesitant discussion about belonging to the core of European integration. Czech society is at the same time apathetic and rejecting towards the European Union. Is this state unchangeable?

Opening Remarks:

Irena Moozová, Director for Equality and European citizenship, DG JUST, European Commission

Olga Sehnalová, Member of the European Parliament, S&D


Zuzana Lizcová, Research Fellow at AMO

International Security and the Participation of Women (in English)

Why is it important that women participate more in foreign and security policies? Which strategies can be used to achieve that? What is the situation in Germany and how can it inspire us? Is the Czech environment specific in any ways?

Main guest:

Anna Kuchenbecker, Deputy Director in the Aspen Institute Germany and Vice Chairwoman at the network Women in International Security Germany


Silvie Lauder, Journalist at Respekt


Date and time

Monday, September 18, 2017

5 pm – 8 pm




Braunův dům

Karlovo náměstí 671,



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