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Vojtěch Pecka is an analyst with the Climate Team at AMO, specializing in the sociology of climate change denial.
His work analyzes the influence of economic, ideological, and power interests on the climate science denial with particular interest in the situation in Eastern Europe and the influence of the Russian Federation. He is the author of the book “Fabricating Lies: How the Fossil Industry Produces Climate Disinformation,” which presents the history, context, and current state of climate science denial. The book has received several awards, including the “Climate Communication Award” from the Learned Society and the United Nations Prague office. The book was also selected for the final nominations for the Magnesia Litera award in the journalism category.
Pecka is an alumnus of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University and he is currently completing his PhD. at the Faculty of Social Studies in Brno. Pecka is also a member of the Climate Social Science Network at Brown University, where he is involved in the project “The Russian Footprint in Czech Climate Obstruction.” Pecka is also guest lecturing on the history of climate science and the sociology of climate change denial in courses at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University.
Pecka also writes popularizing texts on the issues of climate change and climate change denial for various Czech media outlets. Additionally, he is active as a graphic designer, occasional editor, and curator.