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Association for International Affairs

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Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy 120 zrušit Climate Team 40 zrušit Connecting networks of women in foreign, European and security policy, across the V4 states 3 zrušit Czech-German Young Professionals Program 63 zrušit Czech-Polish Cooperation 26 zrušit Educational projects in Ukraine 16 zrušit China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) 145 zrušit Increasing Awareness of the Hybrid Threats: Strengthening Resilience in the Western Balkans 2 zrušit MapInfluenCE 109 zrušit Prague Student Summit 58 zrušit Strengthening the Public Scrutiny in Ukrainian Regions 28 zrušit Strengthening the Resilience of Czech, Slovak, and Polish Societies Prior to the 2024 European Parliament Elections 16 zrušit Trends of Visegrad European Policy 24 zrušit Women in Czech Foreign, European and Security Policy 23 zrušit All
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