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Association for International Affairs

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AMO together with the Visegrad Insight organizes public debate focused on the Central Europe.

Initially, the foundation of the Visegrad Group helped to revive Central Europe. The brand, which during the Cold War became little more than a geographical term, in the 1990’s gradually regained not only its political but also its cultural meaning and significance. Though there will never be a universally accepted definition for the complex totality of Central Europe, the Visegrad Group became its main political explanation. However, the recent return of the East-West divide in European politics has positioned the Visegrad Group as part of the immature and culturally underdeveloped East.

This shift in perceptions has led to many unanswered questions. Is there anything we can point to as a Central European identity? Has the Visegrad Group “killed” the idea of Central Europe? Is there a place for a “centre” in today’s polarized European politics? How can Central Europe become a powerful asset for contemporary Europe?


  • Daniel Bartha, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
  • Vít Dostál, AMO
  • Kai-Olaf Lang, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
  • Marcin Zaborowski, Visegrad Insight


  • Benjamin Cunningham, The Economist

The organizers will provide free copies of the new book titled ‘25 years of V4’ (Res Publica, winter 2016). The publication brings together the finest contemporary political minds to discuss eleven of the most important policy areas for the Visegrad Group. Vít Dostál is one of the editors and Vlaďka Votavová one of the authors of the book.

Date and time

Tuesday, March 7, 2017



ČSOB Inspirace

Jungmannovo náměstí 767


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AMO and Visegrad Insight
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